Monday, June 2, 2008

Brown spots on face acne

Herbal treatments are also available. Studies show that vitamin A has helped in the reduction of acne. The vitamin A helps to reduce the amount of keratin and sebum produced. Another important vitamin is Zinc. Zinc helps vitamin A do its job. Aloe Vera has also been proven to help in the treatment of acne. It is 100% natural and contains anti-bacterial properties as well as an astringent.
There are several different types of acne scarring including; ice pick scarring, atrophic scarring and hypertrophic scarring. Ice pick scars are usually small deep pitted scars with steep jagged edges. Atrophic scars are smaller and soft, and over time change color and reduce in size. Hypertrophic scars are thick and lumpy and sit above the surface of the skin, much more common on the back and chest.
tags: home remedies for removing dark spots from acne, have acne bumps but not pimples, homemade acne treatment

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